
Hosted by scaleway, argocd manages the kubernetes cluster usint gitops.

Until I put together a diagram for that, this is the rough flow:

  1. push up changes on the application repository
  2. github actions runs and pushes up a docker image
  3. the github action sends a workflow dispatch event to the gitops repository
  4. the configured workflow in the gitops repository updates the appropriate deployment definition version and pushes the changes back up to the main branch
  5. ArgoCD picks up the change and deploys the new version of the application
    actor Author
    Author ->> Github: git push
    Github ->> Actions: build docker image
    Actions ->> Container Registry: docker push
    Actions ->> Gitops Repository: workflow dispatch
    Kubernetes ->> Gitops Repository: ArgoCD Sync
    Kubernetes ->> Container Registry: docker pull
    Kubernetes ->> ArgoCD Application: Update deployment
